Nancy J. Lewis, MS, SHRM-CP, PHR, RCC
As more and more individuals become entrepreneurs, let these few insights I have gained help you as you navigate the journey. For more seasoned entrepreneurs, it is a good reminder of getting back to basics.
- Check your emails daily.
In the age of smartphones, most people have access to their emails throughout the day. If by chance, you are one of those that for whatever reason, choose not to have them on your phone; check your desktop at least once a day. There is nothing worse than for a client or business associate to have sent you an email three days ago with information you need and you begin by asking questions addressed in that correspondence. Remember this is three days later. Are you an entrepreneur or is this a passing hobby? Needless to say, this is not a good impression to leave. Responsiveness is key and can lead to that contact going to a contract. You may get a client who contacts you about availability for business and if you wait three days to respond, the opportunity may no longer be there. The key thing to remember is to just view your emails daily so you will be up on critical information you receive from your network.
- Be pleasantly and consistently persistent with follow-up.
I heard so many times, I called them several times and they have not responded. This may be very true, but I have found that if you pleasantly and consistently persist with emails, newsletters, and information relevant and important to them; you stay top of mind. You cannot quit reaching out because of unresponsiveness on their part. If what you are selling is not essential to them at that time, you will not likely hear from them. But when there is an opportunity and you have stayed consistent with reaching out, you will be top of mind. The key thing to remember is to not give up and keep going and continue to market to others while you wait for those companies on your target list.
- Nurture relationships…because relationships rule.
Everything that will happen in your life will happen through a relationship. Think about that! It is critical that when you meet people you want to CONNECT with your follow-up. I suggest within 48 hours and list some meeting times you can talk via phone in the next week. Sometimes a meeting may be in order; you decide based on the conversation you had and the synergy that was created. Value what people do and their time as time is a commodity we cannot get back. I read once, we don’t manage time; we manage tasks. Be willing to be a resource and provide solutions and see how you can be a blessing to others with you want to cultivate relationships. One key thing to remember is it takes time to build strong and meaningful relationships. It is not something that takes place overnight. Happy Connecting!